
Thursday, January 2, 2014


Well, it's the new year - 2014, and I thought why shouldn't I try blogging? Everyone else seems to love it. So here I am, finally putting some deeply hidden dark thoughts into print. Some things everyone should know if you actually care enough to keep reading. The first one being that I'm planning on being blatantly honest with any thought that I decide to write about. So if you're overly sensitive or easily offended, buzz off. If you hate swearing, be warned, I'm sure I'll drop a couple offensive four-letter words here and there. I believe in self expression. So if I feel it at the time, chances are I'll say it. No apologies offered. Also, this is all just random rantings and ramblings. Don't expect too many charming phrases, carefully planned jokes, or clever/witty sayings. I doubt I'll premeditate anything I write on here, so try to keep up. That being said, we're all strapped in and ready for take off.
   New Year Resolutions. I don't really make them because I wouldn't stick to them. I think that if you want something to change, you should just change it right then and there. Why wait for a new year when every twenty-four hours we get a new day? We aren't getting any younger and we're aging much more rapidly then ever before - thanks to alcohol, cigarettes, STD's, and well, plain stupidity.  There's really no need to wait three hundred and sixty-five days to take a breath and put your new best foot forward? I think we all need to remember that it's quite alright to seize the day whenever we feel it may be necessary.
      However, that doesn't mean that every night we can go out and get drunk and make reoccurring life-threatening/ruining decisions and then pretend that consequences are as mythical as unicorns. I'm that girl that seems to always get the consequences smacked in my face the next day, while I see people making disgusting choices on the daily and skip right on along. I'm sure you understand and maybe even feel likewise, but let's just agree to believe that their consequences are all building up and will drop-kick them all at a later date. Mean? Not really. More like Karma, which I believe in to a point. 
      Meaning that if, for some reason, your January first wasn't spent in bed recovering from a night of too much fun saying good-bye to 2013 (which I think a lot of people can agree with me in being super happy to see it go), and you actually spent your night drinking hot chocolate and watching movies, don't worry! You can get drunk tomorrow!  

Sidenote: New Year's is my favorite holiday. Enjoy.