
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Something borrowed, something blue? No, thank you.

It's that time of the year again. Wal-mart is overflowing with stuffed animals and "everyone" is talking about dates, and engagements, and ugh, love (by everyone I am generally referring to the teenagers and early twenty-somethings....No offense).  Don't get me wrong, I adore love. I enjoy being in love greatly. However, I don't think many people genuinely look forward to Valentine's Day. It's full of unrealistic, mostly unobtainable, and overly-romantic expectations from both men and women. Women dream of being proposed to (don't) and men dream of their woman doing a strip-tease (do?) or whatever their fantasy really is. Referee the basketball game? I don't know. My point is, Valentine's Day is usually full of unmet expectations and mega-downers.
         So instead of hoping my boyfriend shows up outside my apartment with a 1990's boombox posted on his shoulder playing some cheesy, yet heartfelt, song that really pertains in no way to our relationship, then will whisk me off into the sunset while telling me how much he adores me, I'm looking forward to remembering why I love, well, myself! Seriously, I'm an amazing person. My own opinion of myself is often enforced by others, so it must be true. Therefore, why can't I spend some time fulfilling my own expectations of a perfect day?
       I can start my day off by making myself my favorite breakfast, followed by a good hour or two (or five) of reading a juicy novel, or watching a few episodes of Vampire Diaries with no interruptions. Put down the cell phone, ignore Facebook, and just get lost in a sappy story and a great cup of coffee. Then I'd go get my nails (and maybe even my hair) done. Who doesn't feel better after some beautification? That goes for men too! I know ya'll love a good haircut, don't try to pretend you don't!
       Take yourself out for dinner at that restaurant/coffee shop/whatever that you've been dying to try but no one ever wants to go or doesn't have time to go with you or maybe all your friends are lame and just refuse to do what you want all the time. While you're there try to spot the couple that's been together the longest (they're usually elderly, absolutely adorable, and a great representation of what true commitment is).
       Enjoy the freedom of being alone. This doesn't mean you have to be single to have a day of YOU! Go do something fun apart and then meet up for dessert. And I mean actual food, not sex. Like cheesecake, or ice cream, or for me, both! Tell each other about what you've experienced that day, actually communicate-share, express!
       Or go home alone, take a super long, hot, bath (mine would include candles and rose petals because when I have a "me day", I think I'm worth all the extra's) and just take some time to breathe and relax. Let go of expectations, especially the ones you have for yourself, and remind yourself that you are amazing and you LOVE YOURSELF!
      Give yourself a present, do something unexpected and out of character to surprise yourself. That's what I'm planning to do. Sure, I'll probably still try to do something for my boyfriend, but most likely it won't be what he was expecting. Because Valentine's Day expectations (while more towards the typical) are just plain built up by companies trying to make some extra cash off our gullibility. Flowers? I can get those for myself. Surprise me with a packed bag and a blindfold on a day that I'm not told you have to show me how much you love me. Because on that day, I'll be reminding myself how much I love me...and you too.
      If you have to work on Valentine's Day, send yourself a beautiful bunch of flowers and a cute stuffed animal just to make your co-workers wonder. It's fun. Go ahead, feed into the holiday!