
Friday, May 2, 2014

A Peek Inside...

Going against everything that I portrayed in my last blog entry, here is a peek inside me. I scrabbled it down about ten minutes ago.


Something inside me-something I didn't even know existed before him,
something I don't recognize, or understand, or can explain, blossoms
for him. Only him.
I feel it tickling the tips of my toes, whispering behind my knees, quivering
through my thighs. I feel it contorting in my stomach, dancing
on my lungs, and twisting my tongue into a sailor's biggest pride. Whatever
it is, it turns my intellect into a mess that could impress the most seasoned Lunch Lady.
I, am useless.
Looking at him, feeling him, is all I can think of. I hunger for his
company, continuously. I'm a junkie for his poison, constantly
craving the prick of his needle into my vein...
Were he Vampire, I would adore nothing more than to die
in his arms; his teeth sunk into my neck to drain every drop
of love from my body. "Please," I would beg, "please
take me. All of me." And I would rise from the mist
of death to repeat the sacrifice.
We are a match. My body sings it is so whenever he touches
me. We harmonize. As the flame will leap from match to wick
without touching, I ignite from a look into his sea-green
eyes; ever changing yet always captivating me.
We cannot be replicated. There is no cloning
of our fusion. Whatever it is within me that rises like a wild cat
at the scent of its prey, is also domesticated for him. It thrives
off of his desires-begging to please-plummeting from the sky like Icarus
at the hint of disappointment. Pouncing at the taste of play. No one else can unleash
it. No one else can keep pace and no one - NONE can make it yearn
to satisfy, but him.
He is intelligent,he is strong. He is
compassionate, and giving.
He, is mine. I am his.
And It, awakens only for him.