
Friday, January 23, 2015

Stop Asking!

I'm laying here between my devoted pooch and this man who fell asleep here but probably won't stick around long; they're both snoring but I'm wide awake. Trying to be real with myself for once. My best talent, by far, is avoiding reality. Because real life sucks. I work five to six days a week. A relief from the seven days a week I used to work for the past year.  However, despite my desperate attempts to save money, I'm always broke. My car finally bit the dust and I'm left to either walk or bum rides to work. I have a college degree that I'm not using but will be paying off for literally the rest of my life. I have a two-bedroom apartment that I've spruced up but I live in it alone. I'll be 28 next month and I have nothing to show for it. No one is impressed by my ability to exist. Including myself. I'm a ship lost at sea, I have no direction and no concept of a plan. And I'm a huge failure at relationships. No one would  care that I've done nothing with my life if I could convince some poor bastard to marry me and pop out three little mini-me's. Then I'd have a purpose. But that hasn't happened. I'm the queen of failed attempts in that ballpark and quite frankly, I give up. No, I don't have a boyfriend or even a prospect of one. No, I don't have a career; I have a job. I don't have a car. I don't have a boyfriend (I said that twice because people keep freakin' asking me). I don't own a house (nor do I really want to), And no, I don't have any idea what I'm doing with my life. And I don't care. If I feel like selling everything I own and buying a one-way flight to Australia I just might do it. Why not? I have no reason not to. I may not have much but I am free to do whatever the hell I want, within the law and reason, of course. So screw your idea of how things are supposed to go. I've never much liked rules anyways. Stop asking me what I'm doing with my life. I'm doing whatever the hell I want. and stop asking me why I'm single. I'm single because I won't settle. So take that. Or better yet, just stop asking!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! You should never compromise what you want because it doesn't fit with what everyone else says. It's totally okay to not know what you want in life! Hell I just figured out what I want to do with my life at 26....there is no time limit! Keep doing you girl! :)
